Friday, March 30, 2012

"The Daring Davy" English Ballad

The “Daring” Davy

It all started in about eighteen thirty-five
When Davy began his journey against pride
Few were lucky enough to survive
But our dignity they were unable to deprive

As Mexican troops continued to march forward
Davy Crockett hid like a coward
A so-called courageous man
Fighting for this vast land of sand

Davy Crockett alone he stood
Hiding behind a bed of wood
They pulled him out by his hair
Embarrassed him and did not care
Threw him down in the noon-day sun
Mocking him in front of everyone

Well respected around the country-side
He did not think of this as he cried
Kneeling down on a carpet of dust
“Set me free!” he cried “You must!”

Davy, Davy Crockett King of the wild frontier
This American folk hero, now trembled in fear
The air now filled with screams of pain
How can his legacy remain?

Terribly trembling in The Texas war for independence
Why we call him a hero does not make sense
He was no hero, as a matter of fact
How did he make such an impact
when bravery was a quality he lacked

Unable to avoid his bloody execution
He was now a victim of the Texas Revolution
This American legend has been slain
Along with his unforgettable fame
Because on that date of devastate
His fate could no longer wait

Tears are no longer shed
As his legacy lies on his deathbed
All that has been said
Is now laying face-down dead
                                                                                                                                                                                    -Daniel Gehm

"El Cuento de La Amistad"

“El Cuento de La Amistad”

Once upon a time
In eighteen thirty-nine
A cargo ship filled with African slaves
Sailed its way through the Atlantic Waves
Captured by slave traders from Spain
The boat fought its way through thunder and rain
Each slave, bound by a chain
Endured endless amounts of suffering and pain
That ended up making them go insane

But one young man in particular
Decided he could no longer suffer
Having endured the most abuse
He was determined to break himself loose
This young man, by the name of Cinque
Along with all the others was Mende
But he alone was most determined to find a way

With the ship still at sail
He scratched at the floor with his bloody nail
And with determination to prevail
From one wooden plank he removed a metal nail
The ship being shoved around by the waves of the sea
He used this nail as a new-found key
To break him and all the others free
After having picked the lock
Their captors were in for an unbelievable shock
Immediately grabbing weapons and supplies
They seeked revenge for all their endless cries

Continuing on through the harsh conditions of the Atlantic
Everything on board the ship suddenly went frantic
Being captured more than twice
The throats of their captors they sliced
Fighting for their lawful rights
And seeking revenge for their many unbearable nights

Unable to handle any more
They fought a long violent war
After this horrendous battle of blood and gore
They cleaned up the dead bodies that remained on the floor
But now that all their fears and worries had vanished
They kept hostage the two leaders of the Spanish

Now that they ruled the ship alone
Their only wish was to go back home
Day by day the floors of the ship they roamed
Wanting to go back to their homeland of Sierra Leone
The name of the ship where these slaves trod
Is known as “La Amistad”

After the victorious attack
They knew one thing for a fact
They really needed to find a way back
Because of the supplies and food they lacked
But even though they won the fight
They were headed for a gruesome night

The hostages they spared at battle
Ended up being the two to tattle
Finding themselves on an unknown shore
They fought for their freedom once more
Chains again around their neck and hand
They felt helpless in this foreign land

Putting their hope in a man of law
A bit of hope they eventually saw
Overcoming their past hysteria
They would find justice in America                                                                                    

Because they were sold illegally
America ended up setting them free
Finding their freedom again at last
They hoped to put behind their horrid past

Now that the story has come to an end
Their courage and bravery we must commend
It was their freedom they fought to defend
But it was on God they had to depend
Porque el cuento de “La Amistad”
Had to be, in the hands of God

By, Daniel Gehm

"Am I the Only One?" CW poem

Am I the only one? 

Let’s not make an excuse
It’s the most common form of abuse
The cruel are crude with the courteous
But the courteous are kind to the cruel
We want what we don’t have
but don’t want what we do have
We don’t push the button we’re supposed to push
But push the button that says ‘don’t push’
Whoever stopped to think that we bully the bullied
Because the bullies are bullied
We are the ones who lied
When we said the grass is always greener on the other side
Ones man trash is another man’s treasure
But one man’s treasure is another man’s trash
The lovers are hated
but the haters are loved
Don’t get me wrong
I’m the writer of every love song
I am a train on railroad tracks
But It’s time we face the facts.
We have no control over where we go
Or whether or not we move fast or slow
If we’re all headed in the same direction
Why do we hide our affection?
If we’re all looking for the same thing
Why are we paralyzed when it’s there for the taking?
If people think love is a form of freedom
Then why is someone always left bleedin’?
If love is what we’re longing for
Why is it the one thing we always ignore?
Why do we pretend not to care
When this feeling is something we all share?
Why am I looked at as if I’m from another planet,
Just because I don’t take love for granite?
Why are we ashamed of the right
And brag about the wrong
Let’s not take advantage of the daughter without a dad
Spending her life trying to make up for what she never had.
Let’s not take the prostitute to bed
But put a roof over her head.
Befriend the kid who always sits alone
Because his dad just left his mom on her own.
We could do what we should
If we would do what we could
If you walk around with a mirror
this’ll all become much clearer
Do unto others as you would have done unto you
Because what others do to you, you will do too

Society is us and, you are society
So changing ourselves is the first priority
We begin at the end
And end at the beginning
Let’s not make an excuse,
It’s the most common form of abuse.
                                                                                                                                                                       -Daniel Gehm

Monday, March 19, 2012

"The Enfuriating Flames of Enraging Anger"

The Enfuriating Flames of Enraging Anger                                                       

Anger is a burning flame,
Incapable of being tamed.
As soon as I have engaged
In it’s never-ending rage
There is no final Stage.
A book with no last page.

Anger is a burning coal
That dwells within the depths of my soul
The pain will dwell deep within my chest
As if there is no rest from this eternal stress.

The flames of this on-going fire
Only seem to grow higher.
Throughout your veins it will flow
As animosity continues to grow.
This flame of hatred will bombard your brain
It makes the merry go insane

It consumes your body and your mind
It’s bright light will make you go blind
And you loose all ability to be kind
Inner affection eventually deteriorates
Generous tenderness of others infuriates
Revenge and resentment we begin to desire
As the flames of this furious fire grow higher
Thoughts become impossible to sustain
Actions you can no longer refrain

Emotions begin to stir,
And your conscious becomes a blur
Your stomach will churn,
Your face will burn
Others will show concern
But it’s isolaytion you yearn

A tumbling snow ball
That grow bigger as it continues to fall
With zero control
Over where it might roll.
An uncontrollable, infuriating wrath,
Destroying any obstacle that is in it’s path

But if back to reality is where we wanna return,
Self-control is the value we must learn,
Because aggravation and agitation
Will not lead to regeneration.
Only cooperation
Can bring real recuperation.

                                                                                                                                  -Daniel Gehm